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Indie Page

Showcase your startups and get more customers

Get an Indie Page to show your unique solopreneur journey and stand out from the crowd. 9367 solopreneurs are already remarkable!

Marc Lou Indie Page

Building in public is mainstream

You can't just build a product and expect people to come...

There are ways to stand out

Show your unique entrepreneurial story

Share your journey. Link your startups. Display Stripe revenue. Show your failures, successes, and everything in between. Be you, be unique, be remarkable.

Build my Indie Page

Build what your audience loves

Analyze traffic and clicks on your startups. Find out what your followers enjoy the most, rinse and repeat.

Start for free

Truly own your audience

Collect your best fans' emails. Grow your newsletter. Build a community ready to buy your products.

Works with
Claim my Indie Page

Build your Indie Page for free

Get the lifetime deal when you're ready to show it to the world!

Showcase your startups

  • Ship smarter with analytics
  • Collect emails
  • Build trust with Stripe revenue
  • Custom domain
  • Compete for the Leaderboards
  • Search engines follow your links
  • 28 themes and 9 fonts

1-Year Pass


One-time payment. No subscription


Lifetime Deal


One-time payment. No subscription

Showcase your startups!

By Marc
Marc Lou